Heathrow or Gatwick? Let's have planning for both, says ABTA
Travel Association urges expansion at both airports to meet 2050, rather than just 2030 capacity needs
ABTA – The Travel Association is urging the Airports Commission to call for planning permission for an additional runway at both Gatwick and Heathrow in response to the Airports Commission’s final consultation on the location of a new runway. ABTA today also renewed calls on Government to act urgently upon the Commission’s recommendations, expected after this year’s General Election.
Both Heathrow and Gatwick have made compelling cases for a new runway, and both cases for expansion are logical: Heathrow is full and Gatwick is operating at full capacity at peak times. Additional capacity is essential at both airports to cope with growing passenger demand, and to ensure a seamless passenger experience.
Whilst the Commission will recommend only one net additional runway, they have also said that there will be demand for a second new runway to be operational in the South East by 2050. ABTA believes it is appropriate that both Gatwick and Heathrow are given the go-ahead for planning in the next Parliament, with market forces and passenger demand dictating which runway is built first.
The ABTA submission also highlights a number of points for the Commission’s consideration on the importance of well-connected regional airports, as well as efficient and resilient surface access to airports.
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Source: http://abta.com/news-and-views/press-zone/heathrow-or-gatwick-lets-have-planning-for-both-says-abta
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